Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beggining Construction of bad character


Charlotte said...

Good! What I want you to work on is using Lattices to deform and "round-off" those hard, 90 degree corners. Animation Menu Set: Create Deformer> Lattice. Move the lattice points to adjust the overall shaping of the character.

pmatthews said...

I like that your starting off with basic shapes to figure out the basic shape of the character. Don't get caught up in the details to quickly until you've got the shape down. I'd really like to see your wireframe for the character. In maya you can go to shading > wireframe on shaded. This will show the geometry on your character while still keeping the its volume instead of just straight wireframe.


I was taught how to use latices like 2 days ago so it will be a slow start but i sont want to get him to rounded as he is supposed to be the hard edged bad guy. Buy like matthews stated i wanted to get doen the basic form. SHoul di use one hug lattice for the whole chararcter or each shape?